“Card Tricks to Amaze and Entertain Friends and Family”
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You can use any pack for this highly entertaining yet easy card trick.
Ask a spectator to shuffle the pack and cut it into 2 piles. Then let them select one of the piles and you take the other. Turn your back to the spectator and ask them to select a card from their half pack, note it and then replace it on top of their pile of cards.
Turn round and place your half pack on top of theirs. Give the spectator the complete pack to hold behind their back. Instruct them to take the bottom card and insert it somewhere near the top of the pack, the top card and insert it somewhere near the bottom of the pack and then finally, to take the top card, reverse it and place it somewhere near the centre.
The spectator should then give the cards back to you. When the cards are spread out on the table, the card which they reversed will be next to (ie. to the left of) the card they selected.
After dividing the pack and you turn your back to the spectator, allowing him to select a card out of your view, you take the opportunity to reverse (ie. turn face up) the bottom and second from top cards in your pile. When you place your pile of cards on top of the spectator’s the trick is set!
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