“Card Tricks to Amaze and Entertain Friends and Family”
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Peeking at a card is one of the most popular card sleights and an essential part of many card tricks. Most especisally because it allows the magician to know the bottom card of a deck. The key to peeking at a card successfully is, of course, to not make it obvious to the audience. So, it is important to find a way of doing this card sleight secretly and without arousing suspicion.
One method is to hold the pack face down in the right hand, the thumb on the near short side and the fingers on the far short side. Make a gesture of squaring up the deck by tapping the right-hand long side of the pack on the table. This gives you the opportunity of peeking at the bottom card.
Another method is to hold the pack of cards in your right hand as above and be in the process of explaining what you’re about to do with your next trick. As you are talking, it is possible to open your arms slightly and turn your palms half upwards so that you’re able to casually peek at the bottom card before you then turn the palms face down again. Possibly even perform one of the false shuffles to keep the bottom card in the same place.
Finally, if you have any reason whatsoever to hand the pack of cards to a volunteer or spectator then this is always a good opportunity to glimpse the bottom card of the pack before having the cards returned to you and performing a false shuffle. Indeed if there is a heckler or awkward character in your audience, it is quite natural gesture to offer the pack to them and to ask if they feel that they could do better! This makes it exceedingly easy to glimpse the bottom card.
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