Fun for Family and Friends
Card Sleights - Essential List
For anyone interested in performing card magic, card sleights are an invaluable asset. They can make the difference between the performer looking like a fumbling amateur or a true professional in the performance of card tricks. In fact, even the simplest card trick can be elevated to almost an art-form by adding a little skill in the form of sleight of hand. It’s important not to be put off by thinking that you will have to commit to endless hours of practice to master these basic card sleights. To the contrary, many of them can be learned in an hour or two at most!
Remember that even shuffling a pack of cards is not dissimilar to performing basic sleight of hand. You just need to devote at least enough time to follow the instructions of the sleights listed below carefully and very soon you will unlock the door to a different world. A world of card magic where you are not just performing easy card tricks. You should find that the extra skills you have learned enable you to perform far more interesting and entertaining card tricks. Check out our own selection of sleight of hand card tricks. Have fun!
The Overhand Shuffle
This basic shuffle is a great, basic sleight of hand which gives a performer the means by which they can keep one or a group of cards under tight control without a spectator being able to see anything untoward. How to do the overhand shuffle
False Shuffles
False shuffles are useful when you want to keep a card or group of cards on the top or the bottom of the pack. False shuffles can even be used to transfer a card from the top to bottom or bottom to the top of the deck. It looks like you are mixing up the cards when in fact you are controlling the deck. A popular sleight of hand technique. How to do false shuffles
The False Cut
This enables the magician to apparently cut the deck of cards when in reality he is keeping the cards in their original order. When done smoothly, this is a great sleight of hand and a great way to allay suspicion, making it seem as though the cards have been jumbled up.
How to do a false cut
The Glide
The glide is an extremely useful sleight of hand which helps the magician keep the bottom card of the pack on the bottom of the deck whilst it looks to the audience as though they are dealing it to the table or even handing it to a spectator. How to perform the glide sleight of hand
The Double Lift
This is a method by which you can keep the identity of the top card of the pact secret by apparently showing it to your audience that in fact really showing them the second card. How the double lift is done
Forcing Cards
An extremely useful sleight for when it is important to make a spectator believe that they have had a free choice in their choice of a card when in reality you have forced a card upon them. Ways of forcing cards
Palming Cards
One of the more difficult card sleights to accomplish, palming can be greatly improved with focused practice. It’s basically taking one or more cards from the top of the pack or indeed adding a card or several cards to the pack without a spectator or audience noticing. Ways of palming cards
The Simple Pass
Most of the greatest card manipulators who have ever lived have made very good use of this invaluable and indispensable sleight of hand. It can require considerable practice to perform it really smoothly but it is really sleight of hand which is well worth the investment of time. How to do the simple pass
Peeking At A Card
This sleight of hand is probably used most often when you need to know the bottom card of the pack. As a magician does not wish to make this obvious to his audience, peeking at a card must be done without arousing suspicion. Peeking at a card – how it’s done
“Card Tricks to Amaze and Entertain Friends and Family”
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